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MOST Cooperation Invites Speakers for ICA 2012

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Christian Thiel, MOST Cooperation Administrator. "With the current MOST150 rollout, the MOST Cooperation is adding the transmission of Ethernet protocol data to the established MOST infotainment transport of audio and video within the car. Thus, the Ethernet Channel of MOST150 is equivalent to an IEEE802.x network." The MOST Cooperation acknowledges this major effort and invites speakers from the automotive electronics industry to contribute to the conference program. Anyone involved with MOST Technology is welcome to present the latest MOST designs, solutions, experiences, research results, and future outlooks.

Suggested topics for presentation include, but are not limited to: MOST physical layer, MOST networking and system architecture, MOST software and protocols, MOST compliance and quality, and MOST applications and series projects experience. Abstracts for submission are due by September 14, 2012 and should be mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The MOSTCO Steering Committee will review all entries and create a high quality program to be presented to Asian carmakers and their suppliers.


Suggested MOST topics for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. MOST Physical Layer
1.1 Optical (FOT, Fiber, Connectors)
1.2 Electrical

2. MOST Networking and System Architecture
2.1 Application Framework
2.2 Network Management
2.3 Interface Controllers

3. MOST Software and Protocols
3.1 Operating Systems
3.2 Software Frameworks

4. MOST Compliance and Quality Aspects
4.1 Testing and Compliance
4.2 Tools

5. MOST Applications and Series Projects Experience
5.1 Infotainment
5.2 Gateway Solutions
5.3 Driver Assist

The abstract should contain:
1. Title of the paper
2. Author(s): name(s), title(s), company, address, telephone, e-mail
3. Subject/topic
4. Short summary of the presentation: 200 to 300 words (English)

All abstracts are due by September 14, 2012 and should be sent via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Acceptable file formats are Word, Text and PDF files. For any questions you are welcome to contact us.

Program Consortium: MOSTCO Steering Committee
The program committee will decide on the acceptance of a presentation on the basis of the abstract. It is important to clearly emphasize the principal technical, economic and practical aspects.

Abstract submission: September 14, 2012
Notification of authors: September 23, 2012
Final presentation slides: October 26, 2012
Presentation at MOST ICA: November 15, 2012

Image source: www.mostcooperation.com

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