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Eine Geschichte von Mr Bailey und dem Millionengewinn


Eine Million gewinnen, würde jeder von uns gerne.

Rober Bailey, 67 Jahre, ein ehemaliger Regierungs Postbote hat gewonnen.

Da auch die Lottospielerin Lerynne West, 51 Jahre, aus Iowa auf die selben Zahlen setzte, wurde der Jackpot aufgeteilt.

8–12–13–19–27 und die 4 – so lauteten Robert Baileys Gewinnzahlen, die er seit 25 Jahren tippte.


Es ist schwierig zu überlegen, was man mit dem Geld anfangen würde. Ein Traumauto, Wohnung oder Haus kaufen vielleicht?

Emails bekomme ich ja reichlich mit Gewinnversprechen, die erkennt man aber gleich - und ab in die Tonne.

Diese ausgefallene Art, Geld verdienen zu wollen, machte mich aber neugierig.



Ein Artikel in eigener Sache.


Eines Tages bekam ich von Antita Wahl, mit geschützten Account, eine Nachricht auf Twitter:


Good day,

I’m Anita Wahl, Secretary to Mr. Robert Bailey, the $343.8 million dollars lottery winner from New York. I was assigned to announce to you that you were randomly selected as one of the first 5 lucky individuals Mr Robert Bailey is donating to. A giveaway donation offer of $1,000.000.00 USD is giving to you as a result of the pandemic outbreak of the coronavirus. Simply contact donor with the below email for claim. Thank you Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sincerely, Anita Wahl.


Ich recherchierte im Netz nach Anita Wahl und dieser Email-Adresse.

Über Anita Wahl wurde ich nicht fündig, aber die Email-Adresse tauchte ein paar Mal in Bezug auf Spam-Mails auf.

Insbesondere bei einer Facebook-Seite mit Fotos von Robert Bailey und seinem Gewinn. Die Seite enthielt positive und negative Meinungen über seinen Besitzer.

Sie sah allerdings in ihren Inhalten nicht nach der Seite eines Multimillionärs aus.


Ich schrieb die Email an, da ich irgendwie neugierig war, wie dieser Masche läuft und wie sie an mein Geld kommen wollten.

Kurze Zeit später bekam ich eine Antwort.


Dear Friend,

We received your message and we sincerely apologize for the late response. We want to say thank you very much for accepting our offer. My family and I have volunteered to donate the sum of $1,000,000.00 USD each to the first 5 lucky individuals  after the random selection of individuals from different countries as a result of the the pandemic, with the help of social media. You see God works in a miraculous way, you may be wondering why you receive this message from us, I know this is funny to you right? I check my ticket online after the drawing, I was in shock with what I saw and I said to myself this look like my number, I tried to remain calm and did not sleep the rest of that night. I know you would be wondering in your heart and mind if this is for real but don’t panic it’s well. 

Without wasting much time, we would like you to know that this is not a hoax and that you are dealing with the legitimate person, so you have nothing to worry or doubt about because we did a personal search for the people we contacted. My family and I have decided to donate this funds to you simply to put smile to other sad faces in your locality and region as well, most especially the widows and the less privilege children. We are hoping you will be able to use this money wisely and judiciously. We’ll employ you to do whatever you can do to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living as many people you can, because this is the primary objective of donating this funds to you at the first place. 



KEEP IN MIND: I just want to do good things because I come from family of givers, and that's just part of the continuation of how I was raised. I think giving you this offer is not a mistake because putting smile on sad faces is a good thing. I’m a christian and I obey and work with the biblical reference (Proverbs 28:27).

Receiving this message from us, it means that you have been chosen among the first 5 lucky beneficiaries by my family and I, with the help of our Lottery and Powerball Gaming (PLG). 

In view of all this, We want you to know that measures have been put in place for my intentions to be implemented swiftly. And by so doing, we request that you quickly supply us your details as listed below, so that we can direct our payment legal adviser to effect the disbursements of the funds to you without any delay.

Full Name: 

Current Address: 

Mobile Number:


Please be aware that we don’t need your information for any other purpose, we only need it to have a proper record with you & our attorney and also to establish a better relationship with you.

We anticipate your prompt  response. God bless you.


Robert Bailey and family.


Sent from my iPhone


Ich schrieb ihm die gewünschten Daten. Da er ja nicht nach Kontodaten fragte hatte ich ja nichts zu verlieren.

Ein paar Stunden später erhielt ich eine Transaction Reference Number und die Bitte mich mit Samuel Okpomor, Dispatch Officer, ACS Delivery Service unter der Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in Verbindung zu setzen.

Die Email war natürlich falsch, ACS stand am Anfang in der Adresse und nicht in der Domain, wie bei dem richtigen ACS Delivery Service.

deliveryman ist ein Provider für E-Mail Adressen, bei dem sich jeder registrieren kann.

Dennoch setzte ich mich mit dieser Email in Verbindung, da ich neugierig war.

Die Antwort mit einer schlecht gefälschten Rechnung:


acs official receipt


Dear Esteemed customer,

Welcome to ACS Courier Services, where your entire shipping problem is made easy. We have received and confirmed the message you sent us. You should expect a fast, convenient and environmental friendly way to ship internationally. I‘m Samuel Okpomor, the dispatched officer. I will guide you through the shipment procedures of your parcel delivery and be rest assured of a friendly transaction process.

We also urge you to keep whatever you are doing confidential because last week we arrested someone who came to our office with fake documents to claim one of the lucky beneficiary`s prize, after through investigations we found out that it was his best friends prize, when we contacted the donor he was shocked and also ashamed because the man he thought he could trust and confine in, betrayed him.

The below stated items are available inside your package which was officially handed over to us by your sender Mr Robert Bailey and family for onward delivery to you in your country with the names and address you provided, and it will be dispatched to you without further delay.


(I) A Bonded Draft Check
(II) An Endorsed Affidavit of claims.

Note very well that you need to pay for the security keeping fee charges before we can proceed immediately with you, which is €147 that you are to pay before we proceed with you.

Note very well again, as soon as we receive the above amount from you, we will proceed immediately with you without further delay.

Attached is the payment receipt of the delivery fee which your sender has made €175 and you have to pay the balance €147 for the security keeping fee before we proceed immediately with you.

We sincerely hope the above information is helpful to you and I would like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve your needs. Should you have any further queries, do not hesitate to write to us until we hear from you again. We anticipate your earliest response. Thanks and we promise to serve you better.

Warmest Regards,

Rev. Samuel Okpomor.
Dispatch Officer,
ACS Delivery Service.


Sie waren also nur auf 147€ aus. Ich fragte nach Zahlungsdetails.

Die Antwort:


Dear esteemed customer,


First name: Samuel

Surname: Okpomor

City: milan

Country: Italy

Mode of payment: Western Union transfer or Money Gram transfer.

NOTE: As soon as you make the payment, we shall commence your delivery without further delay and we shall generate to you a tracking code number immediately to track your parcel. We anticipate your earliest response.

Thanks for doing business with us and we promise to serve you better.


ACS Delivery Service.


Sie machten noch ein bischen Druck, da ich natürlich nicht bezahlte:


Dear esteemed customer,

We are waiting for your prompt response so that we can quickly proceed with you. You have to make the payment for the security keeping fee charges before we proceed with you or you have to inform your sender to make the payment. Thanks for doing business with us and we promise to serve you better.


ACS Delivery Service.


Das Spiel zog sich noch ein bischen hin. Er machte noch mehr Fehler.

Irgendwan schrieb ich ihm,  das Spiel sei vorbei ist und er nicht professional arbeitet um ihn zu ärgern.


Daraufhin antwortete er mir:

You are a smart European man. Let’s work together online,  percentage of 60/40. I will take  60 you will take 40. Example, if we get 10,000 € you take  40 then I will take 60. If you like the business let me know. 


Sent from my iPhone
Ich fragte ihn nach seinen Vornamen.
Seine Antwort:
My name is XXXXXX from Nigeria


Sent from my iPhone
Seine letzte Mail von ihm:
Please advise me. What do I need to do to be perfect sir?
Sent from my iPhone
Dieser Weg an Geld zu kommen, war für mich Neuland.
Es tut mir leid, das jemand sich für Robert ausgibt und seinen Namen missbraucht!
Facebook habe ich angeschrieben, aber die Seite existiert noch.
Ich hoffe, daß keiner auf so eine Geschichte hereinfällt!
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